Child Sponsorships

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Abba's House

Abba's House is a ministry of TCI HheleHhele that provides essential care, foundational life skills, and spiritual development to children in need. It is a faith-filled home, offering a nurturing environment where young lives are positively impacted, and shaped to become World Changers for Jesus Christ.

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HheleHhele Carepoint

Located at TCI HheleHhele, this Carepoint provides clothing,  warm meals, education, life essentials, and more to over 300 children, showing them the love of Jesus Christ and supporting their growth from primary school to high school, and beyond.

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Plazuela Carepoint

This Carepoint is located on the campus of TCI Plazuela. At this location, children of all ages receive constant love, attention, and care. Here, they are provided with everything they need to have a healthy, Christ-filled life.

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